Résumé : Somewhere on the outer rim of the universe, a mass of decaying world-ships known as the Legion is traveling in the seams between the stars. For generations, a war for control of the Legion has been waged, with no clear resolution. As worlds continue to die, a desperate plan is put into motion.
Zan wakes with no memory, prisoner of a people who say they are her family. She is told she is their salvation – the only person capable of boarding the Mokshi, a world-ship with the power to leave the Legion. But Zan’s new family is not the only one desperate to gain control of the prized ship. Zan finds that she must choose sides in a genocidal campaign that will take her from the edges of the Legion’s gravity well to the very belly of the world.
Zan will soon learn that she carries the seeds of the Legion’s destruction – and its possible salvation. But can she and her ragtag band of followers survive the horrors of the Legion and its people long enough to deliver it?

Edition : Angry Robot


Mon Avis : J’avoue, j’ai craqué pour ce roman, il y a quelques mois, un peu sur un coup de tête. En fait à la base je dirai même que j’ai été principalement été convaincu par le travail de communication de la maison d’édition, Angry Robot, qui m’a alors donné envie de découvrir leurs publications et ce fut ce roman qui a terminé le premier dans ma PAL. Je me suis ainsi laissé tenter par la couverture, illustrée par Stephen Youll, que je trouve superbe ainsi que par un résumé efficace, intrigant et une présentation de l’éditeur et de l’autrice qui donnait envie.